World Religion Day

World Religion Day
The third Sunday in January is annually celebrated as World Religion Day. It was established by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of the United States in 1950 as a way to encourage interfaith understanding.  The origins of World Religion Day lie in the Baha’i principles of the oneness of religion and of progressive revelation, which describe religion as evolving continuously throughout the history of humanity. Though initiated in the United States, World Religion Day has come to be celebrated internationally.
Baha’i is a form of faith that emerged in 19th century Persia and follows three core principles: unity of God, religion and humankind. The Baha'i is believe that there is a single God and the spirituality of all religions in the world stem from this single god. They also believe that all humans are born equal and have the same rights and duties irrespective. Keeping in line with this philosophy, the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'i is of the United States announced the institution of World Religion Day in 1949. The first such day was observed in 1950.
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The purpose of World Religion Day is to highlight the ideas that the spiritual principles underlying the world's religions are harmonious, and that religions play a significant role in unifying humanity.
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Quote of the day 
The essence of religions is one. Only the approaches are different.

                                                                                                              BY:- MAHATMA GANDHI  


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